2021 Black Church Studies Consultation

The 2021 Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary Black Church Studies Consultation was designed to build scholarly and practical resources for African American ministers, ministries, and congregations in order to help them thrive. The Consultation provided resources and support for a neglected and understudied area of ministry and worked to build relationships of trust and power between rural ministers and Louisville Seminary faculty and students. This event was presented by the Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary Black Church Studies Program with partial funding provided by the Lilly Endowment Inc. Thriving Congregations Initiative.

2021 Black Church Studies Worship Service

Towards a Third Reconstruction and the Imperative Jubilee

Presented by: Dr. Gerald Taylor
Managing Partner for Taylor & Taylor Strategos
Adjunct Professor for the Doctor of Ministry Program in Community Organizing and Ministry
Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary

Black CME Clergywomen at the Crossroads

Presented by: Rev. Stephanie Welsh
Doctoral Candidate
Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary

Shooters Among Us: Case Studies of Dylan Roof and Emmanuel Samson and the Place of Institutional Church Socialization

Presented by: Rev. Susan Presley
Doctoral Candidate
Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary

Assessing Prophetic Leadership With Regard to Racial Justice in the Non-Black Teaching Elders of the Presbytery of Cincinnati

Presented by: Rev. Amy Snow
Doctoral Candidate
Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary

Reclaiming Our Witness: Leading White Protestant Congregations to Racial Justice

Presented by: Rev. Brian Harrington
Doctoral Candidate
Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary

The Black Baptist Church and Interim Ministry

Presented by: Rev. Dr. Kilen Gray
VP for Enrollment and Student Success, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Interim Pastor at First Baptist Church of Jeffersontown (Kentucky)

History of the Black Church

Presented by: Rev. Dr. Alton B. Pollard, III
President and Professor of Religion and Culture
Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary

Black Church Roots of Radical Black Protest

Presented by; Rev. Dr. Douglas H. Brown Clark
Visiting Assistant Professor
Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary

The Vital Role of the Laity in Clergy Succession in the African American Free Will Tradition

Presented by: Rev. Willis Temple Ritchie
Doctoral Candidate
Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary

History of the Kentucky NAACP

Presented by: Ms. Janice Harris
Shelbyville Area of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People